In 1984, a person saw an average 2,000 ads/day. By 2014, they saw around 5,000. (Media Dynamics)
There’s some irony to the fact that it’s due to data and information overload that consumers face on a daily basis (63gb of media per day in the US according to USC/ICT) that data has become even more important for marketers.
Successful marketing or affiliate marketing today isn’t just about creating useful content that informs buyers, it must be even easier to find in all the right places and deliver both utility and experience. Without data insights about customer preferences, it’s very difficult to deliver on that.
<img class=”alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-25411″ src=”×150-jpg.jpg” alt=”tami cannizzaro” width=”150″ height=”150″ srcset=”×150-jpg.jpg 150w, https://www.toprankblog.